The Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management, University of
Peradeniya in collaboration with MAS Linea Intimates, Pallekele called applications for the
“MAS Seasonal Internship Programme 2022”. As the initial step, to select the most suitable
candidates for the programme, the MAS Linea Intimates team has conducted an “Assessment
Center” on the 02 nd of September from 8.30 am. to 4.30 pm at the faculty premises. This
assessment center was a real-time experience for the undergraduates to learn about different
company selection practices. Students have engaged in multiple group activities, IQ tests,
speaking tests, and interviews as per the selection criteria and 22 students representing all
departments have received the opportunity to get selected for this programme. The selected
candidates received an on-site learning experience that integrates classroom learning, theories,
and experiences into a professional setting from 05 th September 2022 to 09 th September 2022 at
MAS Linea Intimates, Pallekele.